Course - Overview
“Journalism, an ideal way to investigate the truth”
IIFA’s Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication is a two years diploma course, affiliated to BSS. This course enables the students to be media literates and also helps them to develop their skills in the field of journalism and mass communication. The course covers the Communication concepts, History, Law and Ethics, Reporting, Writing, Editing, Human Communication, Radio and TV Journalism, Principles of Mass communication, Public Relations, Mass communication Media. Our Lecturers educates every student to actively participate in various media related activities for strengthening them to get a better career. After completing the course, students have many job opportunities via IIFA’s International Placement cell.

The main aim of journalism is to collect the information and provide it to the larger crowd via mass communication which includes investigating, analyzing, and reporting the events, latest trends,current affairs happening all around the world.
Fundamentals of Journalism and NEWS Media | NEWS Reporting | Editorial Writing | International Communication | Communication Skills | Advertising | Media Laws and Ethics | Literature
Careers in journalism and mass communication provide high recognition and also the growth in digital media gives greater job opportunities as journalist, actor, director, editor, screenwriter and much more.
Basics of Mass Communication | Corporate Communication | English Literature | Translation | Proof reading and Editing work | Creativity and Skill Development | Professional photography | Basics of Computers | Basics of Internet Technology | Research Writing
Career Path
Our 360° comprehensive learning-based model opens up multiple avenues and opportunities for students.

TV correspondent
Investigative journalism
Script writer
Director of photography
Art Director
Radio Jockey (RJ)
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